
The value, expertise and commitment Indian Motor Works applies to refurbishing projects is a unique and rare experience. Our team is whole heartedly dedicated to providing a tremendous value at a fair price.

IMW has refurbished countless Indian motorcycles for almost five decades. We have undergone projects in all states of disrepair, historical correctness, authenticity and performance standards. We sometimes refer to our refurbishing work as “extensive tune-ups”.

All motorcycles that come into our facility are held to a high predetermined standard of patina and performance before they leave our care. These “predetermined standards” are set by discussing your desires and expectations. Depending on the needs of the motorcycle and your desires, our work often begins by taking the motorcycle down to the frame and bring it back up with all the correct lights, levers, switches, brackets, instrumentation and hardware. We also make sure the powerplants (engine and associated systems), transmissions, brakes, wheels, tires and electric systems are functioning as intended.

A large part of this process is assessing the powerplant. It is likely the top end will need to be freshened up (i.e. valve job, rings and possibly pistons), oil pump blueprinting, and timing case is fully addressed for bushings, clearances and endplays. Transmissions are often rebuilt with new gears and a updated clutch. Simply put, the entire machine and .all its functionality are fully addressed and tended to.